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Where Does Media Wiki Store User Uploaded Files

There are all kinds of information that is handled and stored by Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) products from emails, files & documents, SharePoint lists and sites' content, MS Teams' conversations and MS Stream's videos.

Then, where / how practise these Microsoft 365 (formerly Part 365) products (Outlook-Exchange Online / SharePoint Online / OneDrive for Business (OD4B) / Teams / Stream / Yammer…) Store Files/Data?

Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) safely encrypts and stores customers' information on Azure Storage in one of Microsoft's data centers in the region that is mentioned in the tenant's organization profile (in the admin center, a global admin account is needed for this): Admin Heart > Settings > Organization Profile > Data Location > View Details, although a re-create of some of information technology is stored locally on the customer's device. Below a table that summarizes how each O365 product actually handles the storage of each content/data type:

Product Content / Information Blazon Storage Location (Summary)
Mail (Outlook / Exchange) – Emails
– Zipper files
– Metadata
All information is stored in the Flake-locker-encrypted Azure storage associated w/ the commutation online server under .edb files (server side), and a portion of it is generated in .pst & .ost files on the client'due south device.
OneDrive for Business – Files / documents
– Metadata
All folders, files & documents, plus all metadata are encrypted & stored in a SharePoint-manner content database (on Azure SQL storage) in the appropriate data center. And you lot get a re-create of the synced files on your file system.
SharePoint – Files / documents
– List items
– Site contents
– Metadata
All of it is encrypted & stored in the SharePoint content databases (on Azure SQL storage) in the appropriate data center.
Teams – Conversations ane:1 or in a Channel
– Shared files in a ane:1 conversation
– Shared files in channels
– Mail to an O365 grouping
– Metadata
Teams uses specific Azure hulk, SQL table, and queue storage (collectively referred to as the Teams substrate). Files are stored in SharePoint and OD4B, and meeting recordings are stored in Stream, all of which in plough use Azure storage. To back up eDiscovery, copies of conversations and chat messages are copied to Exchange Online, which also uses Azure storage. (For more details, see "MS Teams" Paragraph downwards below…).
Stream – Videos
– Metadata
Videos uploaded to Stream (along with their metadata) are stored within the Stream service itself which is an Azure based service on top of Azure SQL, Blob, and Azure Media Services.
Yammer – Posts / Comments / Likes
– Shared files
– Metadata
Yammer groups use SharePoint to shop the files and documents uploaded to them (since July 2019), significant the files & their metadata ends upwards in a SharePoint content database, on Azure SQL storage. The residue of the data (posts, comments…etc) ends upwards on Yammer'south own cloud storage.

Microsoft 365 Products' Data storage in Detail:


When you gear up your electronic mail account in Outlook, a local re-create of your data (profile settings + mailbox content & metadata) is stored on your estimator. This is to allow you access to your previously downloaded or synchronized email messages, agenda information, contacts, and tasks without an cyberspace connexion.

Certain types of accounts, such as POP accounts, shop their information in Outlook Data Files (.pst files). Outlook 365 accounts, Exchange accounts, IMAP accounts, and accounts shop their information in Offline Outlook Data Files (.ost files), Although you lot still export your information in this case in .pst files for backup or to import it elsewhere (.ost files data tin't be imported or backed upwardly).

There is another type of files .nst (Outlook Group Storage File), used only when y'all admission a group in your outlook, and just similar .ost files, .nst files are constantly being synchronized with the mail server, so in that location is no need to back them up or import them (if you are setting up a new installation of outlook on a new calculator). For more than details, visit Microsoft's own documentation.

On the server side withal, Exchange Online (the mail server) uses an Exchange Database file (an .edb file) to store all data related to your accounts.

SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online uses multiple SQL databases (called content databases), to store customers' information (sites content, list item, files and document, in add-on to metadata) on Azure Storage in a safe and encrypted manner.

When you upload a file to SharePoint, that file gets disassembled and stored across different tables of the content databases mentioned earlier in an awarding lawmaking.

So basically, the program stores data equally an abstracted code that is encrypted and broken downward to be stored in various storage devices in the data eye. All that data is mirrored / backed up in at least one other information center (mostly within the same region) to ensure the high availability / recover-ability in case of a disaster or in case you asking its restoration afterwards an adventitious deletion of content on your part (but before the recovery period ends, more on that subject here).

OneDrive for Concern

OD4B uses SharePoint Online behind the scenes on the server side to handle file and document storage. And then, your data exists on SharePoint content databases as described in the previous paragraph, in addition to the OneDrive Folder on your local motorcar that contains the synced files.

MS Stream

Microsoft congenital an entirely new Azure Service to handle MS Stream functionality & data. That service stores the videos and their metadata using a variety of Azure SQL tables, Blobs and Azure media services.


Yammer's connected groups use SharePoint to store the shared files and documents (since July 2019), meaning that they end up in SharePoint'southward content databases equally described in the SharePoint Online paragraph higher up.

As of the writing of this article, Yammer continues to use its own cloud services for storing the remainder of its data (other than files shared in connected groups equally stated earlier).

MS Teams

I left MS Teams for concluding, since the way it handles the storage of customers' information is a bit more complicated than the previous ones, because as you lot may have noticed, Teams is heavily integrated with many of the other products.

So, there are some items (such as chat conversations and images shared during those conversations…) where MS Teams uses specific Azure blob, SQL tables, and queue storage (collectively known equally the MS Teams Substrate).

Every bit for the other items: the files are stored in SharePoint and OD4B, and coming together recordings are stored in MS Stream, all of which in plow use Azure storage. To support eDiscovery, copies of conversations and chat messages are copied to Exchange Online, which also uses Azure storage.

The table beneath provides a full motion picture of how the storage of each particular is handled (credits to this article for this table):

MS Teams Data Storage In Detail

Security & Data Residency in Microsoft 365

Whatever tech behemothic delivering public cloud services on a large calibration (and Microsoft is right there at the height with Amazon), can make investments in security on behalf of many customers, and every bit a result, can provide college levels of service & security than any one customer could ever exercise on their own.

Equally to large multinational corporations, It is incommunicable for Microsoft 365 to guarantee data residency in every country that your corporation operates in (at least not at the moment of writing this article). So, unless data residency in your case is mandatory due to regulation or to a binding client contract, the case tin be fabricated that your data would actually exist amend managed and more than secure on Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) and on Microsoft's cloud storage.
